Jessica Fritz
Mr. Armstrong
English 1
19 September, 2010
Suspense is caused by cause and effect when Rainsford meets General. Also the General followed Rainsford's difficult path and when the author tells about the new game.
Rainsford crashed on the island causes suspense because Rainsford hears noises on the island. The cause and effect relationships are because Rainsford heard something on the island; he leans over the yacht, falling into the water. Rainsford thinks where there are people, there is food. Soon he is introduced to a new game. The game in which General Zaroff, the guy Rainsford met, calls hunting is not actually hunting in Rainsford's eyes. It is murder and Rainsford becomes the pray. Rainsford says in the story “Hunting? General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder.” (Connell, 27)
General Zaroff explains, “I had to invent a new animal to hunt.” (Connell, 26) This line causes suspense by using cause and effect relationship because as General Zaroff explains to Rainsford, Rainsford discovers that General Zaroff hunts humans. Also, this line causes suspense because the author doesn’t come right out and say he hunts humans. Reading between the lines causes suspense because the author makes the reader think about how the General can be. Also it makes the reader wonder who the General really is and what he hunts.
“I’ll give him a trail to follow,” muttered Rainsford, and he struck off from the rude paths he had been following onto trackless wildness.” (Connell, 31) This sentence causes suspense by using cause and effect because Rainsford is not afraid of the General so Rainsford is going to make it difficult for the General to hunt him. This causes suspense because the reader doesn’t know who is going to win and it could cause Rainsford’s life. It also causes suspense because if Rainsford wins, then the General will have lost and the General has never lost. It also shows that Rainsford is brave and will fight for his life even though the General has hunted people and never lost.
The story “The Most Dangerous Game” is full of suspense that is caused by cause and effect. I gave a few examples that are very interesting. Rainsford wins while surviving for three total days. On the other hand, the General lost his first hunting game.